Friday, June 16, 2006

Deer visiting new house... it's a week of deer sighting

Well it definitely must be a week of deer sighting.

Earlier in the week it was at the Cottage and then I went to the lot to look at the foundation and as I was driving away I looked in my rear view to make sure I could pull out on the road and their was a deer crossing the street right behind my car. Oh my goodness, I quickly turned around and parked in front of the lot again and got out the camera.

I am not sure I will ever get over the fact that deer are common place here. Actually, I understand lots of people are really fed up with them.. I think they are awesome.

The deer is right beside our foundation on the mound of dirt from the excavation.

He looks like he might be younger than the one I saw earlier in the week. He just turned and looked at me.. no panic.

I guess we definitely will have to put up some kind of fence to keep them out - so I can have flowers.

Speaking of flowers - I worked on all my plant pots this afternoon and will go out and get some flowers on the weekend and hope for the best. Should be interesting.

This is picture is taken looking right straight across the street from the house and it is where the deer come from. There is that bush but also back behind that bush area is an area of bigger properties that have lots of bush on them and I have been told that Comox much more so that Courtenay is loaded with deer.

I'm thinking eventually there will be less of them which is kind of sad. Some people have told me that it wasn't only but a few years ago that most of Comox was bush. Things are growing and growing here.

I didn't even post the pictures of the foundation. Tomorrow is another day.


The Lamoureux's said...


Anonymous said...

Sherry, you will need to put wire around any shrubs or plants that you have. Friends of mine have had deer strip their lilac bushes and fruit trees down to sticks. They eat everything right to the ground. Like yourself, I adore them but you neeed to fence off everything.....