Monday, February 05, 2007

Back Yard and New Fence

Just a quick post before I head to bed. Tim has been busy building a short fence in the back to keep Jessie dog in. It's coming along quite well.

The thought goes thru my head almost daily - that I am so thankful for the hard sloggin work Tim and I did the month before we moved in to get that little patch of grass. It has definitely made my life easier and on top of the dog issue it is just great to drive in everyday and see a little bit of a yard started.

Tim just has to build a gate and finish off behind where the truck gets parked and this part of the fence is done.Don't you just love all those trees. It is just so pretty and so awesome not to live in the concrete jungle.. I could seriously get used to this.. We have 1/2 acre and it is just perfect for us.. It shouldn't be an overwhelming amount of work to keep up when we get done and it is so nice to not be right on top of your neighbour.

I hope I didn't loose too many of you while I was absent for so long. I enjoyed hearing from you. Please let me know if you are out there - send a message.


The Lamoureux's said...

It looks awesome! I will have to show Chris when he gets home! Off to work I go!

Anonymous said...

the weekend is over! time to post some pictures of the INSIDE too!

must be nice to get outside... it's -28 today, and i'm not planning on leaving my home for a looong time... it will be nice when we're back in the okanagan... still not as warm as vancouver, but warmer than high level!

Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful, you guys have done an amazing job on the house and the yard.

Sherry (Mama Stew) said...

Thanks so much guys for your messages. It's great to hear from each one of you. It has been warmer here today - so glad. I can deal with dampness a little easier when it's not sooooo cold.