Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tim's Den and new Chair

Hey everyone... I am sorry I am not very consistent with the posts these days. I keep thinking everyday that I need to put something new up and then the day just gets away on me.

These first pictures are of the wall that has the "BIG SCREEN". This is what makes this the man room. Well, the television and the sound together. It is a perfect place to sit and flick channels.. Isn't that what every man does

We ordered a new chair for the den (The Man Room) lol. We only had sitting which made it difficult if we had company to watch a movie. We were so pleased with the new chair because it has all the colors in it that are in the area rug.

We didn't have the rug with us so we really were just hoping we had made the right decision as we ordered the chair to be made and picked the fabric we thought would work the best.

Check out those colors... Did we do good or what! haha. I love the warm colours.

This last picture gives you a look at the sitting arrangement in the room.

And of course the nice woodsy look out the windows is so very pleasant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it....I suppose WHEN I come to visit I will have to spend some time in the Man Room. By the way, my tap group got 1st place tonight at competition!!!