Awhile ago I talked about doing a post on some of the houses that our family has lived in over the years. Tonite I thought I would take a walk back in time.
When we got married we lived for about 6 months in an apartment building in Burnaby but after we found out we were going to have our first baby we decided to move into a bigger place. This duplex is in Newton (Surrey) and was Brad's first home. We lived on the left hand side and back then there was only a carport (no garage). My first 'Mother's Day' when Brad still in the hospital Tim and I went to a plant nursery and bought a few little shrubs for the front garden. I can't tell if they are still the same ones or not. Brad's room was the front bedroom upstairs (the window you see). Brad actually lived a few blocks from here a year or so ago.
When Brad was 2 years old we bought our first house. It was so exciting and we were so young. I drove around last summer and finally found the right street - check out the trees. It is actually quite a pretty street now with the trees so grown up. That is our house right at the end of the street.
The house looks pretty good up close considering it is almost 30 years old and didn't cost us very much money. We had a really nice backyard with some big trees for shade and some privacy. There was a half cul-de-sac at the end of the road and it turned right as you came to our house.
This next house is the saddest for me. This was a really nice house in a nice neighbourhood but no one has ever really taken care of the yard. Makes me kind of sad. Katie was born shortly after we moved in this house. And 5 years later the kid came along. Yes, that would be our baby TJ - I know, I know - he is all grown up now.
Looks kind of sad don't you think.. The row of trees along the right side are huge and should have been trimmed down and the front has no flower gardens to speak of.. sad sad sad. We built the garage in when we lived there because we need another bedroom when TJ came along. Brad had the bedroom right in the front of the garage.
This next house was probably the whole families favourite. We spent 15 years in this house.. we had some good times here.
Look at that nice green grass and all the flowers.. This picture was taken when the house was up for sale as you can see by the sign in the front. I think we all still miss this house in some ways.
Everyone should be so lucky to get to live in as great a family neighbourhood as this house was in. To live there all those years and have that stability of friends and schools was just such a blessing to us all.
i only remember the last house... the one before it looks familiar, but i would've been REALLY young, so who knows?? did you really live in that house for fifteen years? are you sure? i'm not that old, you know... lol... that means i would've been...5-8 years old? check again... lol...
Confirming it was 14 1/2 years... (just shy of 15)... Your getting old Allison.
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