Monday, September 18, 2006

Another fun weekend with friends..

We had a very nice weekend with our friends and old neighbours from Langley this past weekend. It was very relaxing and lots of laughs as usual.

Tim and Clare went to a business golf tournament on Saturday and get this - there foursome won the tournament. That was kind of cool.

Julie and I - well that was a story. We carried one of our new area rugs right down 5th street to the Benjamin Moore Paint store. Then we carried it back up the street and took it to the new house and checked out paint colours. That was such fun. We laughed and laughed.

This week we are leaving on Wednesday nite after work for the mainland. We will stay the nite at my folks, have a visit in the morning with Tim's folks and then head to Kelowna to see TJ and stay with our dear friends the Czuba's. Can't wait to see them - it has been so long.

It rained very hard last nite and all day today. Yuck - I really don't like the rain. But, I guess the forest needs a good drink right about now.

There isn't much going on right now that I can take good pictures of at the house. The tile guy is going to be there this week so I will be able to get some pictures of floors when I get back from the Okanagan. The rock man hasn't started the posts outside and the painter has done a little more outside but until the front of the house gets the siding on it - I won't be able to get a new picture of the front of the house that looks any different that the one I have already.

Move in day has been scheduled for December 1st. The house will likely be ready before then which will give us a couple of weeks to move. We aren't as young as we used to be which means moving is not something we can do in one day.

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